migh-T new ss14 collection at roomslink Tokyo
Wow, it's been a year since the last update..
We moved to Japan last spring and have just finished making the very first collection here in Osaka!
We are working with great manufacturers who are very passionate about their unique skills.
We are very excited to show it in the coming roomslink trade show during Tokyo Fashion Week.
rooms link
@ ベルサール渋谷ガーデン
〒150-0036 東京都渋谷区南平台町16-17
住友不動産渋谷ガーデンタワー B1
http://www.roomslink.com/ja/# tradeShow
migh-T SS14 collection
"Deep in the Jungle"
Far across the oceans, under open skies, exists a land without people. Deep in the jungle, there is a place where the flora and fauna have developed unchecked. Nature has created a unique ecosystem where animals play around and evolve in different directions from those we know.
Undisturbed, the flowers bloom large and fragrant. The Yamaneko mountain cats grow taller than trees so they can see their prey from great distances. The monkeys bounce around and tease the birds while their quiet cousins, the sloths practice hanging from trees and relax under the shining stars.
Bright coloured parrots soar through the sky with bright eyes twinkling. With all this activity, it's like the jungle has just come alive and takes them to see new delights at every turn.
migh-T 2014年 春夏コレクション "Deep in the Jungle"
海のはるか彼方、 ひらけた空の真下に人の手が届かない場所がある。ジャングルの奥地、見たこともない動植物が独自の進化を遂げながら生息している。 自然が生み出した生態系で動物たちはいきいきと暮らしている。 花は香り高く大きく咲き誇り、ヤマネコは遠くの獲物まで見渡せるようにまわりの木々よりも背を伸ばしている。すばしっこいサル、リラックスするナマケモノ、どんな人工物よりも鮮やかな色をしたオウム、人のいないジャングルは絶えず活気を帯びている。
We moved to Japan last spring and have just finished making the very first collection here in Osaka!
We are working with great manufacturers who are very passionate about their unique skills.
We are very excited to show it in the coming roomslink trade show during Tokyo Fashion Week.
rooms link
@ ベルサール渋谷ガーデン
〒150-0036 東京都渋谷区南平台町16-17
住友不動産渋谷ガーデンタワー B1
migh-T SS14 collection
"Deep in the Jungle"
Far across the oceans, under open skies, exists a land without people. Deep in the jungle, there is a place where the flora and fauna have developed unchecked. Nature has created a unique ecosystem where animals play around and evolve in different directions from those we know.
Undisturbed, the flowers bloom large and fragrant. The Yamaneko mountain cats grow taller than trees so they can see their prey from great distances. The monkeys bounce around and tease the birds while their quiet cousins, the sloths practice hanging from trees and relax under the shining stars.
Bright coloured parrots soar through the sky with bright eyes twinkling. With all this activity, it's like the jungle has just come alive and takes them to see new delights at every turn.
migh-T 2014年 春夏コレクション "Deep in the Jungle"
海のはるか彼方、 ひらけた空の真下に人の手が届かない場所がある。ジャングルの奥地、見たこともない動植物が独自の進化を遂げながら生息している。 自然が生み出した生態系で動物たちはいきいきと暮らしている。 花は香り高く大きく咲き誇り、ヤマネコは遠くの獲物まで見渡せるようにまわりの木々よりも背を伸ばしている。すばしっこいサル、リラックスするナマケモノ、どんな人工物よりも鮮やかな色をしたオウム、人のいないジャングルは絶えず活気を帯びている。
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